Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Basics Of Spray Painting Techniques

Spraying a car with automotive paint spray gun can be really challenging task, even if you possess some expert level skills. Spray painting is one of those jobs that require persistence and precision. Painting the entire surface of vehicle and going layer by layer is something that can challenge your patience and hard work.

The reason why we're emphasizing on spray painting (as not so easy task) is because painting a car with a spray gun  may not have the same results as the genuine color but still with professional skills and certain technicalities anyone can master the spray painting techniques.

At first sight, automatic air spray guns are not difficult to use, all that is needed is you to master the techniques and you will love the unbelievable result it will give you at the end of the day. In my everyday practice, the most difficult part of a car paint is to go even with layers of coatings. Painting a vehicle surface layer by layer may challenge your patience because some layers take more time to dry than others.

Though the spray painting is itself an art which cannot be occupied through reading the articles but still to make it easier for you to understand. We're sharing some basic level tips which can really help you  (either learn or operate) with your spray painting equipments.

Firstly, check your air and liquid flow opening on your spray gun for proper delivery. 
Then adjust the gun to spray mode parallel when you open the air button completely.
After that, bend the liquid handle so that you can be able to slow down the trigger at 0.25 inch with every pull. 
Finally, perform spraying on any useless section of cardboard to adjust an even flow of the liquid for consistent and even delivery of paint.

For more information you can contact your local paint spray gun manufacturer.


  1. This is a very helpful and informative article. You did a thorough explanation about spray painting. Thank you for sharing the knowledge and the tips. Would love to see more.

    Air Spray Gun

  2. Thank you for sharing such valuable information and knowledge. This can be great and helpful insights for us. I would love to see more updates from you in the future.

    Airless Spray

  3. Well written and informative post to read. Any scratch, damage or ripped paint on a car looks very bad and can be impact badly on the resale of your car. These basis of spray painting techniques are very helpful for the car respray mechanics to learn the spray painting technique. Thanks for sharing!
